Saturday, March 7, 2009


Humility has shattered.
Shyness has withered
Mortification no longer in sight.
Meekness replaced with fright.
Docility has taken on Boisterous' behavior.
Unpretentiousness beholded Pompus as it's savior.
Timid became Cavalier
Vainglory put Humble to the rear.
Thin lines exist everywhere
From broke n***** to millionaires.
What would it take to cross that line?
An idea comes.
Praises follow.
Modesty takes effect.
Praises continue to flow.
Conceit begins to creep in
Idea begats money
Money calls his brother Arrogance
Arrogance adores attention.
Assiduity requires Narcissism.
Narcissism becomes omnipotent.
Omnipotence seeks another idea.
Praises follow.
Modesty take effect.
Praises continue to flow.
Narcissism is gone.
Replaced by newfound Humbleness.
Humbleness stayed strong
While Narcissism knew he had been wrong
His idea faded with better development
Now he is jaded with everlasting reminiscence
Always yielding his ears to resistance
Narcissism resorts to asking for Humbleness' assistance.
Is it worth it?

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