Monday, June 21, 2010

#7: Hurricane Terza (Rima)

I met her yesterday, sometime in the night
She was dressed so indistinctly that I had to know more
But ironically enough, my curiosity became my plight

When we first embraced, I was very unsure
Then she seduced me into dwelling in her domain
I fought but couldn't help it....quickly would I adore

The thought of being with her, previously, was insane
She was notorious for committing the most heinous crime
But once I was with her, I couldn't break the chain

How long was I with her? Biennially in time
Upon reflection......the worst years of my life
She had me so open, it seemed that I lost my mind

She made me do deeds for her in rife
Only to block me from the lucid things
That, once found out later, brought me strife

So, here I am now, wretched as old European Kings
Seeing her again would be a sore sight
Because of the pleasure and pain that she brings

The initial feelings I had for her did more than incite
But the way she treated me was just wasn't right

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