Friday, July 30, 2010

#45: A Mind's Rhyme

And then there were 4.....

Reasons why I do what I do
Baffling to those who don't have a clue
Wondering why their emotions have succumb to
Up and down phases like an addict who withdrew

And then there were 3.....

Ways in which you need to fall back
Understanding your role like a washed up quarterback
Before I unleash a treacherous attack
Against you and your crew...feminine like some lilacs

And then there were 2....

Entities that I respect
Never gave up...never did neglect
Only chastised to make me correct
Instilling in me commendable aspects

And then there was 1...

Person who endured it all
From the many successes to a couple of the falls
Grinding all day until the night calls
But not done because of the blessing's windfall

And then..there was him....